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Hashtrust unlimited daily claim issues and no more payouts

 In Uncategorized

We are very disappointed on hashtrust community, users have been able to claim an unlimited amount of HTX daily and withdrawing and they have easily dropped the price of HTX to 0, no one reported the problem to our team and people kept abusing it again and again.

Therefore there will be no more payouts, and everyone’s balance will be set to 0 on 1st of December, than you will have to start mining again, and are releasing a new contract, new supply and new protection system.

If you have cheated using the bug we will not ban you, but it enough that the tokens you have now is useless, we hope next time you report such issue to us in timely manners and not take advantage of it.

We are here providing you with a free platform to earn crypto, we are sending payments manually and making 0 profit from this project since 2018, please respect our work and do no cheat again, instead report the bug to us if you find it and we will rewards you.

please stop mining and start again on 1st of December 2022

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Showing 40 comments
  • Maxico Maxico
    Maxico Maxico

    There supposed to be a warning before doing this

  • Antonio Carter-Bey
    Antonio Carter-Bey

    My question is WHY should everyone be punished for something that we ALL may not have even been aware of? I as well as a few people including loved ones, have been supportive of this platform since it’s beginning and the reason our mining claims is where their at, is rightfully earned over the years!! Not overnight or the last few weeks!! But if that is the ultimate decision of the platform designers and developers, then I as a user will have to accept that decision! But just understand the damages that come with that final decision of punishing ALL users, supporters and resources just because of a few unscrupulous and greedy participants!! I may give it some thought in the future to participate? But as much energy, time, dedication and participation me and mines have put in over 4 plus years up until now… I honestly don’t know IF I may want to be a part of such a promising community because IF this type of incident causes this type of dissolution of a mining process that is honestly..one of the BEST and MOST honest cloud mining processes online in the Cryptocurrency Industry!! But may the best outcome come about for ALL of US who is affected by this unfortunate situation! Gratitude

  • Ragnar Ragnar
    Ragnar Ragnar

    Hello “dear” hashtrust team!
    I was very upset when I saw the zero balance and read this news. I am with you from the very beginning. I went almost every day (1 time per day) for a daily reward and NEVER withdrew funds. I don’t know about the problem you are talking about.
    You should check accounts before resetting for involvement in abuse so that the innocent do not suffer. You made it easier, punished the entire community instead of sorting it out. I regard this as one of the scam options.
    You write that you do not profit from this project, but this is not so! All advertising of third-party projects comes with your referral link, there is no need to explain further why this is being done.
    Do you think that after this BIG KICK of the community, someone will want to do business with you? You are wrong! I close your page forever if you do not return their savings to honest users!

  • bilal alrosan
    bilal alrosan

    200000 ??? why ???

  • vov pop
    vov pop


  • Michael Lagunay
    Michael Lagunay

    How did we abused the platform? I’ve been diligently claiming but haven’t made any withdrawals yet because my earnings are not enough and the threshold is so high.
    I don’t even know if the platform is legit.

    • hashtrust

      dont worry the withdraw is only 50k now and u can mine all day long.

  • Imron Rosyadi
    Imron Rosyadi

    Why you blame us for your internal problem. Come in mind, especially me, and maybe the whole community members, there are secret gift for those try or work hard for HTX community, by u.
    I spent more time Even less sleeping to mine the unlimited claim.
    Anyway, its you, ruling the Web.
    Next, we hope no more problem that will make us, the community dissappoint for doing, struggling to catch HTX.
    God bless u

    • hashtrust

      so what do you want? that we give you something we don’t have? you made 1 million if few days and wanna withdraw it, what about the others, because of people like you the wallets gone to 0, you have a brain don’t you?

  • Imron Rosyadi
    Imron Rosyadi

    And, from 1,5M to 0, truly heartbreaking.
    But, thats Life, especially in our country, If not yours than Let it go.
    God bless us

    • Slamet Riyadi
      Slamet Riyadi

      Today i tray to used free mining but its not work until now. When can i started it again?

  • Anthony Sanders
    Anthony Sanders

    i am very sad about this. i worked so hard and was about to make my first withdraw when i needed it the most. thanks peeps 🤦‍♂️

    • hashtrust

      you can start over we have a better system, don’t be mad at us, we are really making 0 profit from this website, the ads barely pay for the website hosting bills.

  • jarosław dziomba
    jarosław dziomba

    one big scam I collected tokens every day and today I go in and my account is clean wasted time on thieves

    • hashtrust

      we have no way to tell who is the bad one or not, they have emptied the website wallets, also it was normal people like you, they just claim more than one time per day they spam it and no one reported this bug to us.

  • Jorge Moraes
    Jorge Moraes

    Eu estava com mais de 2000 quase dois e quinhentos revindicando todos os dias e agora some tudo,baita sacanagem, eu não trapaceiro ninguém e tenho certeza disso, perdi meu tempo com vocês, é verdade? e se dizem empresa seria.

  • yongill jeon
    yongill jeon

    What’s the matter with you? my balance is 0….
    please let me know when it can be recovered.
    for reference, I have bern mining this since 2018.

    • hashtrust

      we have no way to tell who is the bad one or not, they have emptied the website wallets, also it was normal people like you, they just claim more than one time per day they spam it and no one reported this bug to us.

  • pippo prova
    pippo prova

    I don’t think it’s fair to punish all users without distinction for your technical problem, I’ve been accessing your site almost every day for 2 years having earned about 250,000 htx and now, due to the fault of someone who exaggeratedly took advantage of it, we are all recovering….
    it would have been fairer to deduct the htx taken irregularly (I admit I did it too but a few times) and to ban those who have withdrawn them for a period of time corresponding to the value of htx taken irregularly or deduct them from the current balance

    • hashtrust

      we have no way to tell who is the bad one or not, they have emptied the website wallets, also it was normal people like you, they just claim more than one time per day they spam it and no one reported this bug to us.

  • Thomas Henze
    Thomas Henze

    And where have my 230xxx HTX gone ?!?

  • Andrei Dziachkou
    Andrei Dziachkou


  • Daniel Rios
    Daniel Rios

    My balance has been reset what is happening?

  • gunawan parante
    gunawan parante

    What exactly happened, why did my balance become 0, I claimed this balance since 2018, and have never made a withdrawal at all? Please refund my HTX balance?

  • Ghulam Kabeer Khan
    Ghulam Kabeer Khan

    Dear admin.
    Since getting membership of hash trust, I have been regularly mining and mined about 1300$ . I had to withdraw it now but surprisingly, account is not showing my mined amount. It is showing 0. If your company is giving me this reward for the last more than a year regular effort. I am extremely saddend with the attitude of the company. If you can recover me my amount, then I can continue, otherwise neither myself but I will also tell others to quit this plate form.
    Waiting for your response please.

  • Jamiu Salaudeen
    Jamiu Salaudeen

    So you want us to start mining new coin what of those that bought htx on pooncoin and keep it in their wallet, I know from the beginning that HTX is a scam a coin with white paper and nonsense road map, no social media for community even any comment on your that seems against you will not be post for miner to see so you are just using to make money from advertisement, you know what you want to do that’s why you remove the security of the website by your self now you are now making nonsense excuse. You have been paying since 2018 and you did not collect money from any body rubbish people just own your coin no exchange to trade. Stupid developer.

    • hashtrust

      We are sorry for your loss, but the token was already dumped by the offenders and its at 0 value even if you were able to withdraw it, also nobody was buying the token on poocoin for months only selling just for your information.

  • mark peters
    mark peters

    hang on, it is one thing to punish those that have abused the system, it is another to punish those of us who did not.. that is not fair. you should re-think this approach , and only reduce those members who cheated to 0 , and at least re-store the balance of us who have been loyal and did not try and cheat you.. even if the price of the token has fallen it will in time regain its value , you can punish everyone for this , !!!!!!

    • hashtrust

      We have no idea to tell who abused or not, but they have claimed more tokens than the wallet have which gave everyone 0.

  • mark peters
    mark peters

    futhermore , it was your error that the unlimted claims were allowed to happen, also your error that withdrawels did not require a manual check by yourselves before allowing them to procede … once again.. this was not the fault of your honest members who did not abuse the system error.. you need to play fair on this.. and only punish those that abused the system, and not everyone …!

    • hashtrust

      its so sad that thousands of people abused this, further more who is going to pay the withdrawal fees? they have dumped the coin we cant even sell to afford the 0.25 USD per withdraw, also we don’t have enough tokens in the contract to cover the numbers they have cheated.
      U seem to know about the unlimited claims, why didn’t you send us an email and save the website, you decided to just use it, now you pay back.

  • mark peters
    mark peters

    your actions in the spur on the moment , are leaving you open to law suits , you cannot remove legitmate earnings of everyone , just because a few bad apples have taken advantage of you.. so once again … think this over :— and restore all the balance’s of those who did not try and cheat you…

    • hashtrust

      We have no way of telling who have cheated and who is not, it was a bug that worked for everyone, people claimed unlimited eeryday.


    ola .

    Os meus tokens foram zerados , serao perdidos


    Deviam zerar os trapaceiros , e nao todos os membros , pois pode verificar minha conta se achar alguma coisa errada eu mesmo faço questao de pedir para zerar minha conta.

    Dessa forma se nao for resolvido estou saindo da plataforma e encerrando minha conta , sou inocente e nao posso pagar pelos outros .


  • Nnamani Chukwudi Frank
    Nnamani Chukwudi Frank

    I am not happy with what happen to my balance but no problem, let’s start over again, please I am trying to start mining again but is not working out rather it’s showing me ads and I have try several times but nothing works out, please I want to know if there is a new process of mining

  • mark peters
    mark peters

    To The HTX Team , this is what you need to do .. yes you can track those who abused your system, as you must have a record of those who made a withdrawel on that day. so you can deal with them

    1;- Return our Balances to Normal ( does not matter if the token is worthless , we want them back , you can then adjust this balance at a later date to maybe HTX2 New Token or something. ( so those of us who were honest are not punished)

    2:- if you also supspend withdrawels and any new claims on the original token , then at some point the token price in the market place will recover back to wothwhile lvl again

    3:- You Cannot Punish Legitimate users of your site , without giving us something back.. it is not good enough to just say.. oh well you did nothing wrong but you have to start all over again

    4:- and No in repsonce to your previous reply to me i did not know others were making unlimited claims as i am honest and only make one claim per day as was allowed..

    • hashtrust

      its not really worth the time or effort, we are making no profits from this.

  • Abudul Waasiku
    Abudul Waasiku

    Good news admin we are waiting for the button for mining

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